When a child enters foster care, it happens quickly, and many children arrive at their foster home with just the clothes on their back. This can be a disorienting, isolating, and scary time for a child.

At Foster Village, we help ease the transition into foster care by providing each child with a welcome pack filled with necessities such as toiletries, clothing, and comfort items like pajamas and stuffed animals to help them feel safe, comfortable, and cared for in their new home.

You can help provide welcome packs for children entering foster care in town today.

Visit our Amazon Wishlist and when you purchase items, they are sent directly to us. You can shop from anywhere to support children and families in Southwest Florida.

Want to provide a welcome pack for a child but don’t have time to shop?

Donate below, and we’ll do the shopping for you!


If you're looking for your own gear, be sure to shop our official Foster Village SWFL merchandise and we will receive a portion of the proceeds.