5 Things Foster & Adoptive Parents Want the World to Know

5 Things Foster & Adoptive Parents Want the World to Know

by Chrystal Smith
I recently stumbled on this blog that I wrote at the beginning of 2016 when we were still a licensed foster home and the vision for Foster... read more
Sensory Tips for the Holidays

Sensory Tips for the Holidays

by Rachel DiMasi
The holidays are here! And with them come parties, lights, music, and FUN - all amazing things...and all things that can be extremely... read more

"Adoption" Language at Christmastime

by Christina Hite
One of the things we love about our village is your desire to jump in and come alongside families in our community. We see you showing up... read more
What To Know About Adoption From The Beginning

What To Know About Adoption From The Beginning

by Jen Reichert
Adoption is a life-changer. It’s selfless and beautiful, and I love it with my whole, big, ol’, fat heart. Some days feel like paradise... read more
The Difference Between Your Home and You're Home

The Difference Between Your Home and You're Home

by Jen Reichert
I’mma grammar geek. Always have been. And as such, I’ve noticed one of the lessons that continues to elude 10-year-olds and... read more
Common Treatment Approaches for Sensory Processing Disorder

Common Treatment Approaches for Sensory Processing Disorder

by Rachel DiMasi
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) affects 5 percent of children, and 80 percent of children with traumatic backgrounds experience sensory... read more
Sensory Diet 101

Sensory Diet 101

by Rachel DiMasi
What is a Sensory Diet? ... read more
The Sensory Processing Disorder Umbrella

The Sensory Processing Disorder Umbrella

by Rachel DiMasi
So now that we’ve talked a little about Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), we’re going to delve a little deeper and talk about the... read more
What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

by Rachel DiMasi
October is Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness Month, so let’s talk senses! Children are complex creatures, and parenting them can be... read more
Does It Really Take a Village

Does It Really Take a Village

by Jen Reichert
I recently spent the weekend with a college buddy who’s not only one of my favorite people, but also a talented, funny, and cheerful mom... read more
How Well Do You Know Your Child

How Well Do You Know Your Child

by Jen Reichert
As a parent, you probably know your child better than anyone else, right? You might be surprised to learn that in our experience, we’ve... read more
What Do Sensory Processing Needs Look Like

What Do Sensory Processing Needs Look Like

by Jen Reichert
Children are complex creatures. And parenting them can be tricky to say the least, especially as we guide and mentor them through life’s... read more
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